Tennessee Amateur Radio Association

About us

A Shared Passion. 

Tennessee Amateur Radio Association (TARA) 

 is a dedicated group of individuals passionate about amateur radio and its ability to connect people and communities. Our mission is to promote the enjoyment, education, and advancement of amateur radio in the state of Tennessee.

Our Goals

Education: Providing opportunities for amateur radio operators of all levels to learn and grow their skills.


Community Service: Supporting local and regional emergency preparedness and communication efforts.


Preservation: Protecting the rights and privileges of amateur radio operators.


Socialization: Fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging among amateur radio enthusiasts.


How We do it

Training and Licensing: Classes and resources to help individuals obtain their amateur license or upgrade to higher licensure.


Field Day Events: Annual events that showcase the capabilities of amateur radio and promote emergency preparedness. 


Net Operations: Regular communication sessions on various frequencies to connect with other operators and share information.


Community Outreach: Programs to educate the public about amateur radio and its benefits.